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Same Day Fertility Psychic Reading

Same Day Fertility Psychic Reading


This is a very popular reading because I am one of the only REAL medical mediums here on Etsy. Also, most psychics are uncomfortable with connecting over such topics in the fears of being wrong and/or interfering on such a sensitive topic. But for me, I have personally decided to do these connections because to NOT do them could potentially mean passing on someone's chance at transforming their life. With this reading, I will connect with your Spirit Guides to find out any information related to the topic of fertility, pregnancy, any blocks or health issues and how it's affecting your life. This particular listing was created due to many live mediumship readings I have done with customers where I've been able to pick up things such as miscarriages, pregnancies, genders, and even new souls who are within a mother's aura and trying to make their way into this lifetime... When I do these readings, due to the sensitive nature and emotion that surrounds this gentle topic know that I put all my heart, care, and undivided focus into each and every one of these connections. Therefore, I limit the number of available fertility readings that can be requested on a day to day basis.


I am a natural, true, honest, and real psychic channel to the spiritual world. In this psychic reading, I will connect with your Spirit Guides and ask them to share any message or messages related to your health that they feel you need to read about the most. If they do not say anything, (which sometimes happens) I will refund your payment. 


Spirit Guides, when I give them permission, actually step into my body to communicate. I use a form of mediumship where rather that speaking to an external Spirit and passing those messages along to you, the Spirit steps into my body, and uses my body, my language, and my gestures to communicate to you for itself or their selves...


Establishing a relationship with your Spirit Guides is a very pure and positive way to receive advice, second opinions, clarification, or guidance about anything going on in your life. That's what they're there for. And, without even realizing it, you've definitely must have heard from them at different points in your life. I'm just highly aware and gifted at knowing how to connect with them directly. 

Once I've established a connection, I will email you a channeled, word-for-word description of everything or anything said to me copy/pasted directly in Etsy's messaging. 

God Bless you...



Psychic products are not widely accepted as real. Although I and many others have our own faith and beliefs, by law I have to state that this product is for entertainment purposes only. Also, by purchasing this product you are agreeing that you are legally an adult of 18 years or older. This product is not a substitute for medical attention or mental health counseling.

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